Unlock your busy mid-life with an Australian first, Midkey.

A revolutionary new NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS loan.

Pay all principal and simple interest at the end of the loan.

Simply, it unlocks some of your home equity to improve your cashflow and choices.

In exchange for no monthly payments, you pay a fee at the end. This Midkey Deferral Fee is a proportion of any increase in your home’s value. The proportion is your Midkey loan amount to your home’s value and is agreed at the start. No increase, no Midkey Deferral Fee.

Check Eligibility

It takes less than two minutes to check your eligibility and does not impact your credit score.

Already know you’re eligible? Apply now

A new type of home loan


Monthly payments (principal or interest)


Interest rate PA (simple interest)

Deferral Fee

At the end of term

Other fees apply.  Please read the FAQs for details

How can a Midkey help you?

A Midkey home loan doesn’t require regular payments so it can help you when either:

You want to increase your home loan but traditional lenders decide you don’t have the ability to make extra payments
You want to reduce your regular loan payments by
replacing all or some with
a "No Monthly Payments" loan

" I was asset-rich but stretched and, on my single income, I was unable to borrow enough money from traditional lenders to fund the extensive renovation this house needs. Midkey gave me options otherwise not available to me. ”

Banker, Coogee NSW

“We got quick access to cash which didn’t impact our monthly outgoings. It’s so straightforward… it’s just a wonderful way of leveraging the biggest asset that you own”

Ad executive, Mosman, Sydney

An exciting innovation for Australians

Offering responsible, mid-life borrowers a new solution in a busy and expensive phase of their life.

Convert part of your home into cash

Release some of your home’s value as cash for your dreams or challenges now, with no monthly payments.

More choices to control your future

Acquire another property, make aspirational purchases, improve cashflow, pay off some debt with no on-going fees or additional monthly payments.

Repay us at the end

Pay your principal and simple interest payments at the end of your Midkey loan.

How much can I unlock?

Add your mortgage details into our calculator to instantly see how much cash you may be able to unlock with a Midkey

How much is your existing or future home worth (agreed initial value)?


How much do you owe on your current (or intended) mortgage, excluding offset amount?


How much of your current mortgage would you like to pay off with a Midkey loan (if any)?

Midkey may be able to lend you up to1
How would a Midkey impact your current monthly payments?
Your current monthly payments (estimated)
Your current mortgage2
Your estimated current mortgage monthly payments3
Your monthly payments when including a Midkey (estimated)
Your current mortgage amount (reduced by Midkey proceeds)4
Your estimated current mortgage monthly payments3
Your monthly payments for your Midkey loan5 (always $0)6
Your reduction in monthly payments because of your Midkey loan
This calculator is provided for illustrative purposes only.
1The actual amount available to you will only be provided once you have completed the Midkey application process.
2This is the outstanding balance of your first mortgage home loan.
3This is an estimate of your monthly payment on your first mortgage home loan (being the monthly principal payment and the monthly interest payment). This estimate is provided for illustrative purposes only because the amount of your monthly payment depends on the terms of your first mortgage provider's loan agreement. Our estimate uses an interest rate of 6.25% per annum and assumes a remaining loan term of 27 years (on a 30-year first mortgage home loan). This amount does not include any fees you pay for your first mortgage home loan.
4This is the amount you would owe under your first mortgage home loan if you reduced the current amount using proceeds from your Midkey loan.
5Your Midkey loan would need to be approved by us.
6All the principal and interest payments for a Midkey loan are paid at the end of the loan and there are no monthly fees.



It’s a simple process

Get an estimate today

Use our calculators to see how much you can borrow and how it works. Apply online to see in minutes if you are pre-approved.

Your Midkey journey starts with a simple and instant estimation by submitting your basic information into our online application.

Generally, all you’ll need to start your estimate is;
1. value of your home (existing or target)
2. if you are applying for a second mortgage, the remaining amount of your first mortgage home loan
3. the address of your property

Submit your application

Complete a simple online application form.

Complete your application through our online portal. Our process requires minimal documentation and uploads. It’s easy to use and accessible anytime for you to update your documents. And when you have further questions, our Australian-based team members are ready to help you.

Unlock your Midkey

Decide how much cash you want to access.

Once your uploaded documents have been reviewed by Midkey and your loan approved, you will receive an offer letter.

Easy as that. We can then move efficiently to provide your funds once you are ready.

Midkey "Unlockers" tell their stories.

Meet More Unlockers:

Testimonial Image


“Our dream of giving our eldest daughter a lump sum towards her deposit has come true. Instead of buying a one-bedroom apartment, now she can buy a three-bedroom house in a better suburb.”

Part-time Carer, Brisbane QLD
Testimonial Image


“My only other option was to sell and downsize, but I hadn’t planned to do that for another five to ten years. Without Midkey I would have lost my life as it was.”

Contractor, Mittagong, NSW
Testimonial Image


“By doing that I have reduced the monthly payments on my existing mortgage by more than 50% so now I feel less constrained, freer.”

Finance Professional, Kellyville, NSW
Testimonial Image


“I admit I was sceptical at first, but then I looked online and did my research to understand the business model and it made sense.”

Health Professional, North Epping, NSW


Frequently asked questions.

of an average Australian borrowers’ income is needed to service a mortgage
Source: ANZ Corelogic Housing Affordability Report (March 2022)

Let's get started

Find out if you’re eligible.
