Midkey’s new home loan solution is not "too good to be true"

It’s just a new way of thinking for Australian borrowers struggling to meet the servicing requirements of traditional bank loans despite having significant home equity.

What is the ideal use for a Midkey loan?

It really depends on your situation. If you are looking to acquire another property or make other aspirational purchases and need a loan with no regular payments, a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan could help. If you are just wanting to improve your monthly cashflow due to increasing school & living costs, then a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan could help you to repay your traditional debt.

Below are some customer examples to help show how a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan could help you.

In some circumstances the use of proceeds will be limited to consolidation of existing debt.

Dreams &

No monthly payments.
Pay your principal and simple interest at the end.

Build a business

A Midkey home loan makes this possible without you having to ask family or investors for support.

George is an electrician who wants to start his own business at the age of 35.

George has owned his house for 10 years and has seen a significant increase in its value. His bank can provide him with some money to start his new business, however, it is not enough. A Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan can help by providing him the additional funding as a second mortgage that requires no regular repayments.

Renovate your home

Your dream home needs an upgrade. Maybe you’ve started renovating and the costs have exceeded your loan budget. With a Midkey "No Monthly Payments" Loan you can improve your best asset, your home, with less financial stress.

Preetie, 50 yrs, & Mohan, 52 yrs, have had a cost blowout on their renovations

They have undertaken a substantial renovation on their Glebe home. It is almost finished, but their builder has informed them that the renovation cost will be $300,000 more than they had budgeted. Their bank has told them their incomes will not support any additional debt. Preetie and Mohan have significant equity built up in their home that will enable them to take out a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan to fund the completion of the renovation.

Pay school fees

You have always wanted a private school education for your children’s secondary years. With a Midkey "No Monthly Payments" Loan, you can give your children that gift and repay Midkey later.

Jessie, 39 yrs, & Hoi, 42 yrs, want their children to benefit from a private school education.

With a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan, they can use the equity on their four-bedroom house in Chatswood to pay off more of their principal loan. This will reduce their monthly mortgage repayments and ensure they have enough left over from their combined incomes to pay the private school fees.


Divorce is unsettling for everyone involved but what if you could buy another home while keeping the family home so the children are not uprooted? Midkey makes this possible.

Dale, 55 yrs, recently divorced, needs to buy a new home.

Dale and his ex-wife, Debbie, want to provide stability for their three teenage children and keep their family home. However, Dale will need some cash to purchase a home nearby. By taking out a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan on the marital home, enough capital is freed up to help fund the purchase of Dale’s new property and provide some liquidity for Debbie while she gets re-established.

Unforeseen healthcare

You want to take care of a family member’s mounting medical bills for unexpected surgery or treatment. With a Midkey "No Monthly Payments" Loan, you can tap into the equity in your home to offer that special financial support.

Tammy, 42 yrs, wishes she could pay for her 75 year old father's expensive medical treatment.

Tammy’s father is a pensioner who doesn’t have enough cash to fund his treatment. Tammy is a successful career professional with a mortgage on a terrace house in Castle Hill and has significant expenses of her own. Although she wants to help her father, she does not want to increase her monthly debt payments. Tammy chooses a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan to unlock the equity in her home to fund her father’s treatment.

New car or boat

Buying a new car or boat and traveling more in your own back yard, Australia, is more necessary than ever. Unlock some of your home’s equity to treat yourself to vast open spaces after lockdowns.

Joe, 48 yrs, wants a new 4WD so he can take his family to Queensland on a ‘trip of a lifetime.’

Joe can’t service a car loan with his current income, on top of his mortgage repayments. With a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan, he can take equity from his four-bedroom family house in Maroubra to pay for the 4WD and holiday expenses, as well as pay down more of his mortgage to reduce his monthly repayments. This will leave him with some leftover cash each month to handle the rising cost of living.

Property investment

No monthly payments.
Pay your principal and simple interest at the end.

Buying a bigger house

Your family has outgrown your current house, but your bank won’t lend you enough to buy a larger home. With a Midkey "No Monthly Payments" Loan, you can use the equity in your home to access the additional capital needed to buy the new property.

Tom, 40 yrs, & Katherine, 35 yrs, both busy professionals, have their third baby on the way and desperately need a bigger home.

Tom and Katherine have found the place they want to buy and have excess equity in their current home, however, Katherine has chosen to stop work for a few years to look after the children. This means their bank cannot increase their home loan because Tom’s and Katherine’s combined income cannot service a larger home loan. A Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan can fill the funding gap.  They can use the equity in their three-bedroom townhouse in Marrickville to access the additional capital they need to purchase a four-bedroom home without making any additional monthly payments.

Buying a second property

You own your home but wish to buy an investment property. A Midkey "No Monthly Payments" Loan will unlock the equity in your existing home to provide the capital for a deposit for your next property purchase, and maybe some extra to renovate.

Nate, 42 yrs, & Ray, 38 yrs, own their home but can’t quite afford to buy an investment apartment.

Their two incomes enable them to meet their monthly mortgage payments on their existing terrace house that they bought six years ago in Paddington. Still, their incomes only enable them to meet part of the required additional payments for their potential investment apartment in Surry Hills. They have enough equity in their Paddington townhouse, given its price appreciation, to qualify for a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan which can fund the gap for the Surry Hills property and upgrade the kitchen appliances.

Helping family buy a home

You’ve always wanted to help your son buy his first home. Use a Midkey "No Monthly Payments" Loan to unlock some of the equity in your home to put it towards his deposit.

Tina, 60 yrs, & Jim, 63 yrs, are helping their 25 year old son, Harry, buy his first home.

Harry has found a two-bedroom Westmead townhouse, and his income will service the monthly repayments, but he doesn’t have enough money for a deposit. The banks won’t allow Tina and Jim to increase their mortgage because they are close to retirement. With a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan, they can unlock equity in their home and contribute to Harry’s deposit, and reduce their monthly repayments by paying off more of their principal home loan.

Reduce regular debt payments

No monthly payments.
Pay your principal and simple interest at the end.

Pay down your existing home loan

Imagine reducing your monthly mortgage repayments, so you have more cash for other expenses. You can do just that by using your Midkey "No Monthly Payments" Loan to pay off some of your traditional mortgage.

Peter, 56 yrs, & Hamani, 54 yrs, want to pay off more of their principal mortgage to reduce their monthly repayments.

They both work hard to pay off their principal loan but their wish is to have more cash in the bank each month to cope with the rising cost of living. Plus they’d like to enjoy life more, now that their children have left home. With a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan, they can unlock equity in their four-bedroom family home in Mosman, and pay a lump sum off their principal loan which will reduce their monthly repayments and improve their monthly cashflow.

Debt Consolidation

With a Midkey "No Monthly Payments" Loan, your monthly credit card debt and other personal debts can be paid off with the equity you release from your home. Get some breathing space and repay us at the end of your Midkey home loan.

Anthony, 39 yrs, is worrying because rising interest rates will increase his principal mortgage repayments and make it more difficult to pay off his credit cards and other loans.

Anthony feels that these repayments are unreasonably impacting his ability to juggle his everyday spending. With a Midkey “No Monthly Payments” Loan, he can tap into the equity he has built up in the two-bedroom Darlinghurst house he bought 10 years ago. He can use some of his Midkey home loan to pay off more of his bank loan, which will reduce his monthly repayments, leaving him with leftover cash to pay his other monthly bills.

It’s a simple process

Get an estimate today

Use our calculators to see how much you can borrow and how it works, then apply online.

Your Midkey journey starts with a simple and instant estimation by submitting your basic information into our online application.

Generally, all you’ll need to start your estimate is;
1. value of your home (existing or target)
2. if you are applying for a second mortgage, the remaining amount of your first mortgage home loan
3. the address of your property
4. Details of your net assets and net income

Submit your application

Complete a simple online application form.

Complete your application through our online portal. It’s easy to use and accessible anytime for you to update your documents. And when you have further questions, our Australian-based team members are ready to help you.

Unlock your Midkey

Decide how much cash you want to access.

Once your uploaded documents have been reviewed by Midkey and your loan is approved, you will receive an offer letter.

Easy as that. We can then move efficiently to provide your funds once you are ready.


It is important to Midkey that you understand how this new solution works before you apply. We have covered all the most Frequently Asked Questions here so please click this link.

Let's get started

Find out if you’re eligible.